Mr. Coffee/Keurig K Cup Brewing System

Mr. Coffee/Keurig K Cup Brewing System
alaAverage 4

5 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 5 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Mr. Coffee/Keurig K Cup Brewing System zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte. Die Tester bewerten das Preisleistungsverhältnis positiv.



Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 80/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 5 Bewertungen)


5 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 5 von 5 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Love it


I bought the Mr. Coffee/Keurig K Cup Brewing System right after Christmas as a present to myself. Because of the weather, it did arrive a few days after the first delivery date, but still got it in a timely manner. Sometimes after working the evening...

Jan 2014

Kundenmeinung (

Just what I needed it to be


I bought this as a gift for my husband who travels on his job for extended periods of time. He loves it. He has a cup in the morning as he is leaving & then enjoys another cup when he gets back to his hotel after a 12 hour day. Perfection indeed!

Nov 2013

Kundenmeinung (

Great Buy


I got this for my daughter to take to college she just loves it, and the best part is that she has 2 cup sizes where others only have one, and the price was great. Kim Gilmore

Okt 2013

Kundenmeinung (



I loved my Mr.Coffee Keurig.I only used it once or twice a day and no wasted coffee!Five or six months later,it just quit working.I had it on the big cup size and it would only do half.Then it stopped working all together.So I cleaned it with...

Jul 2013

Kundenmeinung (

Works good


Debating if I should get the mini-keurig or this turned out good and perfect for me. Can use the same K-cups can enjoy different flavor of coffee and tea. Now don't have to waste coffee and just make 1 cup every morning before work.

Mär 2013

Preisvergleich für Mr. Coffee/Keurig K Cup Brewing System

No prices for this product