Lorex LW2110

Lorex LW2110
alaScore 73

137 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 137 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Lorex LW2110 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 2.9/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.0/5 für andere Produkte.

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt Lorex LW2110 einen alaScore™ von 73/100 = Gut.


(Basierend auf 137 Bewertungen)



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Kundenmeinung (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Lorex LW2110


alaTest has collected and analyzed 122 user reviews of Lorex LW2110 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 2.8/5, compared to an average user rating of 3.9/5 for other products in the same category on Amazon.com.

56% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Sep 2024

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

wont last


not good for outdoors, range is not good at all 20 feet from receiver and camera loses its signal i have 4 and had to return one i am slow replacing with wired cameras

Feb 2014

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Not too bad


Outdoor camera, with indoor plug, and only a few ft cable, kinda dum. WiFi is great, but u still have a cable! Image color is great, quality is decent, price is good.

Aug 2013

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

not a very good cam had to return it


picture and range terrible

Jul 2013

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Good camera for the price!


I already had a few of the wired cameras, but I wanted to try one of the wireless cameras. It's easy to set up. Just screw the base in wherever you want, and plug in the electrical adapter. It is a little slower than the wired cameras, but still pretty...

Apr 2013

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Good camera for the price!


I already had a few of the wired cameras, but I wanted to try one of the wireless cameras. It's easy to set up. Just screw the base in wherever you want, and plug in the electrical adapter. It is a little slower than the wired cameras, but still pretty...

Apr 2013

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Excellent Buy


Very nice Camera, easy to install and very clear picture

Nov 2012

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Excellent Buy


Very nice Camera, easy to install and very clear picture

Nov 2012

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Excellent Camera


Equipment arried, set-up in a blink of an eye and camera very good day or night. So easy to use, set-up.

Okt 2012

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Excellent Camera


Equipment arried, set-up in a blink of an eye and camera very good day or night. So easy to use, set-up.

Okt 2012

Kundenmeinung (tigerdirect.com)

Not too shabby


easy to set up, so long as you can install an electrical outlet within 6' of where you want to put it. nice picture and good range for the price. resolution is not quite good enough to read a license plate but can make out faces well.

Jun 2012

Preisvergleich für Lorex LW2110

No prices for this product