ZALMAN Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 - Tower - ATX - no power supply ( ATX ) - black - USB/FireWire/Audio

alaTest hat 10 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für ZALMAN Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 - Tower - ATX - no power supply ( ATX ) - black - USB/FireWire/Audio zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.6/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme. Die Tester bewerten das Design positiv.


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Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 100/100 und Experten mit 90/100 bewertet.


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Expertenbewertung von : Benjamin "Zeus" Heide (

The Latest GPU Fatal1ty - Zalman FC-ZV9


One company that always manages to improve upon its products is Zalman. While some may claim that if a company makes good products, there is not need to improve them. While that may be true in some industries, in the world of computing - and more...

Excellent performance ; Red LED theme ; Includes 8 red aluminum ramsinks ; Quiet at low to mid-low fan speed

FanMate 2 Controller adds extra wires and is not easy to reach when mounted to back of case as directed ; Fairly noisy at high speed - 3600rpm

Although I'm not a big fan of the whole "Fatal1ty" branding on computer products, the reality is that most of them do perform better than the generic non-Fatal1ty products. This cooler has the potential to be the last GPU cooler you'll ever buy and...

Sep 2006

Expertenbewertung von : The HL Staff (

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZV9 VGA Cooler


PC enthusiasts are more than familiar with the Zalman company. Zalman has a long history of providing a wide range of cooling products that focus on high performance as well as quiet to near-silent operation. Zalman won us over from their very first...

Sep 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Sheldog23 (

Zalman Fatal1ty FS-C77 CPU Cooler


Zalman expands its line of fine copper flower coolers into the gaming and modding arena with the "Fatal1ty" FS-C77 cooler. This cooler is one of many new enthusiast products to be given the "Fatal1ty" brand. The FS-C77 is geared towards gamers and...

Pure Copper heatsink ; 120mm Red LED Fan ; Cools CPU and surrounding hardware ; Looks Hot

Big and Heavy ; Price is high ; Can't use stock back plate

For those of you who are not familiar with Jonathan, he is arguably one of the best gamers out there today. He has been marketing himself in conjunction with Performance PC hardware aimed directly at the PC enthusiast. His name has been tied to...

Apr 2006

Expertenbewertung von (

Zalman Fatal1ty FS-V7 GPU cooler


The Zalman Fatal1ty is designed to kick in where modern cooling solutions for graphics cards leave off. With their increased noise and less than great performance and upgrade of your graphics card's cooler will help to keep things cool as well as make...

In the end the cooler does help, but you may be stuck for space as its wide enough to make the slot next to your graphics slot unusable, and very close in a SLI setup.

Mär 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Benjamin "Zeus" Heide (

Zalman Fatal1ty FS-V7 GPU Cooler


Today's high-end graphics cards require more power and generate more heat than ever before. Some of these latest generation cards have a "thermal threshhold" of more that 110°C. This means that the card will run without errors up to that temperature....

All copper construction ; Great performance at high/low fan speeds ; Clear, details installation instructions ; Red LED Fan ; Quiet at low speed

Red LED is a little weak ; Takes and extra PCI slot - close proximity in an SLI setup ; No fan controller - only high/low by Y adapter

Often times it's hard to work through a conclusion and be objective, but the Zalman FS-V7 Fatal1ty cooler is a winner no matter how you look at it. It has great looks, good construction and at low fan speeds is very quiet - virtually inaudible over...

Jan 2006

Expertenbewertung von (

ZALMAN Fatal1ty FC-ZE1


Aucune description marketing n'est disponible.

Expertenbewertung von : Andreas Dimestam (

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1


Att gamers innebär ”big business” för hårdvarutillverkare kommer inte som någon nyhet. Hela 2006 har karaktäriserats av hårdvara som riktar sig specifikt til...

Extremt bra kvalitet.

Instickskort kan inte installeras i den nedersta pci-platsen.

Dez 2006

Expertenbewertung von (

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZV9


El cooler viene presentado en una caja negra con una ventana redonda donde se puede ver el cooler y la cara de Fatal1ty Wendel, anunciando el producto de su línea.

Sin lugar a dudas es un producto que vale la pena. El rendimiento es impecable tanto a velocidades stock como aplicándole overclock al GPU. El nivel de ruido es inaudible, excepto en el modo performance. Pero si alguien esta dispuesto a exigir tanto a...

Sep 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Ultra (

Zalman Fatal1ty FS-C77


La empresa Zalman ya conocida por nosotros por su buen desempeño a bajo nivel de ruido lanzó hace poco tiempo la línea Fatal1ty que comprende un modelo de cooler para placa de video y otro para procesador, ambos de la más alta gama con el detalle de...

Excelente construcción y diseño ; Fácil instalación ; Estética novedosa ; Excelente performance a bajo nivel de ruido ; Apto para overclock

No presentó

Pocas veces nos encontramos ante una edición especial de un producto de gama alta. En este caso, una variante del modelo 7000cu-led con el agregado de los colores característicos de la línea Fatal1ty. Mas allá de la original estética que rompe con el...

Dez 2005

Kundenmeinung (

Zalman Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 Zwart review door Vcore Xtreme


Uiterlijk ; Afwerking ; Stevigheid ; Deurtje in zijkant ; Installatie gemak ; Prijs/kwaliteit

Beetje veel reclame ; Erg zwaar ; Prijs (maar je hebt wel kwaliteit) ; Geen voeding

Okt 2007

Preisvergleich für ZALMAN Fatal1ty FC-ZE1 - Tower - ATX - no power supply ( ATX ) - black - USB/FireWire/Audio

No prices for this product