SILVERSTONE OP650 ATX12V / EPS12V 650W Power Supply - Retail

SILVERSTONE OP650 ATX12V / EPS12V 650W Power Supply - Retail
alaAverage 5

7 Tests

Sep 2024

alaTest hat 7 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für SILVERSTONE OP650 ATX12V / EPS12V 650W Power Supply - Retail zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 5.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme.

Im Durchschnitt haben Anwender dieses Produkt mit 100/100 bewertet.


(Basierend auf 7 Bewertungen)



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Zeige 1 - 7 von 7 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Kundenmeinung (

Powers all my hardware!


This thing is great.

This thing is a little loud, nothing too major though.

Jun 2007

Kundenmeinung (



Regular size so it fits any case 54amps on the Single 12v rail Plenty of Power for an overclocked 8800GTS SLI System and overclocked Core 2 Duo E6600 mesh sleveing on cables ,Has new 8Pin PCIe connector for newer cards.

Mai 2007

Kundenmeinung (

Fantastic PSU


Lot's of juice, quiet, built like a tank, great company reputation.

Honestly can't think of any.

Apr 2007

Kundenmeinung (

Plenty Of Power For The Money


small fits in any normal location has plenty of connectors even the new PCIe 8pin,cables are long enough for my Antec P-180 case.

none really ,they could have sleved all the wires ,i thought it should have a rubber gorment around the end where the wires comes out of the unit.

Apr 2007

Kundenmeinung (

Quality PSU at a good price


Build quality is excellent, all the connectors fit like they should.

Not modular but I don't mind hiding the extra cables somewhere in the case.

Apr 2007

Kundenmeinung (

Rock solid stability


Single 12v rail.


Apr 2007

Kundenmeinung (

Best buy for the price range


Modern systems draw most of their power off of the 12V rail.

Not all of the cables are sleeved, some people (Like the fellow below) are having problems with a whining sound, which is a manufacturer problem for a select few of the PSUs.

Mär 2007

Preisvergleich für SILVERSTONE OP650 ATX12V / EPS12V 650W Power Supply - Retail

No prices for this product