PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC

PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC
alaScore 87

8 Tests

Sep 2024

  • Negativ

alaTest hat 8 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.2/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme. Die Tester mögen vor allem die Zuverlässigkeit.


Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme erzielt PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC einen alaScore™ von 87/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 8 Bewertungen)


6 Bewertung(en)

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Expertenbewertung von (pcplus.co.uk)

PC NextDay Zoostorm 2-3423


Any sight of the word 'Pentium' either makes us think of ugly boxes coated in 'Intel Inside' decals, or piping-hot Prescotts with haughty heatsinks. Our collection of processors enter and leave PCs with more frequency than a Dell returns department

Great value for £499, Surprisingly rich on features, Room to expand

Difficult for beginners to get to grips with, Peripherals not up to scratch

PCs like this are all about value. And on that front the Zoostorm delivers it in spades

Jul 2007

Expertenbewertung von (pcplus.co.uk)

PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-5301


Now that Windows Vista has been released, PC resellers are falling over themselves to sell the first systems with the OS preinstalled. Many have offered Vista as a free upgrade from Windows XP, redeemable through a voucher scheme

Good monitor, Excellent value

Limited graphics

It will play current games fine, offers plenty of disk capacity and, most importantly, it does justice to Microsoft's new OS

Jan 2007

Expertenbewertung von : Robin Morris (techadvisor.co.uk)

Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC budget PC


What difference does £50 make? That's the question posed by this PC from Zoostorm. Ringing the tills at just £449, the Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC offers an even more appetising price tag than many of its budget-friendly rivals. But be warned: you'll...

The Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC is a very economical PC, but we'd splash out the extra £51 for the Eclipse Ultimate A60N86GT.

Jul 2007

Expertenbewertung von : Robin Morris (techadvisor.co.uk)

Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC


The run-up to its launch saw all sorts of protests about the price of Windows Vista. But with Vista Home Premium costing £200 in the UK, why not pay an extra £300 and get a PC thrown in? That's the premise behind the 2-3305 Versatile PC, a system that...

At £500, this was never going to be a stunner, but it's more than good enough to run Vista Home Premium at a decent lick. None of the hardware is fantastic, but neither is any of it atrocious. This is a solid PC for those on a budget.

Feb 2007

Expertenbewertung von (pcanswers.co.uk)

Zoostorm 2-3423 Versatile E2160


The £500 price tag is clearly the big attraction in this PC, which boasts a feature-packed version of Vista, 2GB RAM, a 250GB SATA hard drive and a powerful graphics card. This latest Zoostorm from the Versatile range has a lot going for it

Good basic spec, Great price

Poor power supply, Awkward monitor connections

A bargain starter media centre that offers a lot for the money

Jul 2007

Expertenbewertung von (pcanswers.co.uk)

Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC


While some PC manufacturers try to get your attention with an eye-catching case, PC Next Day is happy with a conventional, black and silver tower system. It still looks acceptable and generally seems a practical choice, if a little dull

250GB hard drive, Standalone graphics card

Anonymous looks, Stingy warranty, Only Vista Home Basic

A decent enough system for the price, but has nothing to make it stand out

Apr 2007

Preisvergleich für PC Nextday Zoostorm 2-3305 Versatile PC

No prices for this product