LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter

alaTest hat 7 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 3.9/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme. Das Design wird von den Testern positiv bewertet, aber die Bedienbarkeit stößt auf Kritik. Über das Preisleistungsverhältnis gibt es verschiedene Auffassungen.


Größe, Bedienbarkeit

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme erzielt LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter einen alaScore™ von 86/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 7 Bewertungen)




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7 Bewertung(en)

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Expertenbewertung von : Craig Simms (cnet.com.au)

LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter


LG's external Blu-ray writer is huge, but does the job. We're still not in the age of Blu-ray though, and we wonder if we ever will be.

Comprehensive format support. Writes up to 6x on Blu-ray. Reasonably priced.

The device is large. USB 2.0 interface. 6x Blu-ray media not available. Requires a power brick.

LG's BE06 is a good drive for a reasonable price — we'd imagine the market for external Blu-ray writers is quite small, but if you have the need, check this one out.

Okt 2010

Expertenbewertung von : Katherine Stevenson (maximumpc.com)

LG BE06 External Blu-Ray Burner


We expected LG's new 6x external Blu-ray burner to perform similarly to the company's GBW-H20L, what with the two having identical read/write speed ratings, but we were wrong. The external drive is a bigger, more expensive letdown.

Good BD-R and DVD-R write times

Huge; pathetic BD-RE writes; not worth the price

While there’s something to be said for the convenience of an external drive with a USB 2.0 interface, this is offset by the BE06’s gargantuan size. The enclosure is nearly 3 inches longer and an inch wider than its internal brethren—and $100 more...

Aug 2008

Expertenbewertung von : Robin Morris (techadvisor.co.uk)

LG BE06 review


The LG BE06 is undeniably stylish to look at too, with its glossy white casing and touch-sensitive eject pad. And it works equally well whether standing vertically or horizontally.

Blu-ray isn't tumbling in price just yet, and the LG BE06 isn't exactly cheap. The LG BE06, though, is slightly more expensive than its main rival from Buffalo BRHC-6316U2. Admittedly, the difference amounts to just a few pounds, and even given the...

Apr 2008

Expertenbewertung von : Craig Simms (zdnet.com.au)

LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter


LG's external Blu-ray writer is huge, but does the job. We're still not in the age of Blu-ray though, and we wonder if we ever will be.

Comprehensive format support, Writes up to 6x on Blu-ray, Reasonably priced

The device is large, USB 2.0 interface, 6x Blu-ray media not available, Requires a power brick

LG's BE06 is a good drive for a reasonable price — we'd imagine the market for external Blu-ray writers is quite small, but if you have the need, check this one out.

Mai 2009

Expertenbewertung von : Robin Morris (techworld.com)

LG BE06 review


The LG BE06 is a stylish external Blu-ray drive that can be plugged into any PC with a spare USB 2.0 port.

Blu-ray isn't tumbling in price just yet, and the LG BE06 isn't exactly cheap. The LG BE06, though, is slightly more expensive than its main rival from

Apr 2008

Expertenbewertung von : Merijn Gelens (zdnet.be)

LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter


De LG BE06 is een uitstekende brander die hinder ondervindt van het gebrek aan beschrijfbare schijven op de markt.

Mai 2009

Kundenmeinung (edukas.fi)



Kerrankin riittävästi tallennustilaa. 21Gb levy valmistui n.52 minuutissa. Jostain syystä pilasi Kodakin BD-R levyistä 75% Verbatimit toimivat kaikki. Aihiovika? Näyttö ja ohjain HDCP yhteensopivat, joten BD leffat toistuu kuten pitää. Hyvä ostos.

Dez 2008

Preisvergleich für LG BE06 External Blu-ray Rewriter

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