Lenovo ERAZER X700

alaTest hat 36 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Lenovo ERAZER X700 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.1/5 für andere Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme. Die Größe und die Bedienbarkeit bewerten die Testern positiv, aber sie finden das Design nicht überzeugend. Über die Zuverlässigkeit gibt es diverse Auffassungen.

Preisleistungsverhältnis, Bedienbarkeit, Größe


Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte in der Kategorie PC Systeme erzielt Lenovo ERAZER X700 einen alaScore™ von 88/100 = Sehr gut.


(Basierend auf 36 Bewertungen)



36 Bewertung(en)

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Kundenmeinung (amazon.com)

Amazon.com review summary for Lenovo ERAZER X700


alaTest has collected and analyzed 25 user reviews of Lenovo ERAZER X700 from Amazon.com. The average user rating for this product is 4.0/5, compared to an average user rating of 4.0/5 for other Desktops on Amazon.com. People really like the size and usability, whereas there are some less positive reviews about the reliability.

price, usability, size


80% of the reviews on Amazon.com give this product a positive rating.

Sep 2024

Expertenbewertung von : Brian Westover (pcmag.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700


The Lenovo Erazer X700 is a fairly good entry-level gaming desktop in its own right, and it boasts liquid cooling, simple overclocking, and plenty of opportunities for tweaking the system.

Built-in liquid cooling and OneKey Overclocking. Hot swappable drive bays. Lots of room for expandability. Better than average bundled keyboard and mouse. Combination of solid-state drive and hard drive offers zippy performance and lots of space.

Design is a bit garish. Third-generation processor and middle-of-the-road GPU offer good, but not great, performance

For an entry-level system, the Lenovo Erazer X700 offers a decent gaming rig that's ready to go right away, in a package that can be found at your local Best Buy. While hardware snobs might prefer a custom system, the Erazer X700 will still get you...

Nov 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Alex Roth (techradar.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700 review


Can design for pleasure as well as it does for productivity?

Powerful configurations ; Overclocking switch and liquid cooling ; Massive hard drive space

Lenovo is untested in this market ; Not so neat cables ; Extreme case design

We're intrigued to see Lenovo enter the gaming space with a dedicated rig. Competition from a reputable manufacturer never hurts the consumer. With the launch of one system, this isn't exactly Dell's acquisition of Alienware, but it's an exciting...

Jan 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Rich Brown (cnet.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700 desktop targets PC gamers


All sharp angle, LEDs, and high-end PC components, the Lenovo Erazer X700 looks every part a gaming desktop

Jan 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Rich Brown (cnet.com.au)

Lenovo Erazer X700 desktop targets PC gamers


All sharp angle, LEDs, and high-end PC components, the Lenovo Erazer X700 looks every part a gaming desktop

Jan 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Rich Brown (cnet.co.uk)

Lenovo Erazer X700 desktop targets PC gamers


All sharp angle, LEDs, and high-end PC components, the Lenovo Erazer X700 looks every part a gaming desktop

Expertenbewertung von : TechSpot (techspot.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700 Gaming Desktop PC Review


Our review unit arrived with Windows 8. Windows 8.1 had not been officially released before the system was shipped, but it is safe to assume Lenovo will now be bundling 8.1. Unlike its competition in the gaming market (e.g. Falcon Northwest, Maingear,...

Dez 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Thomas Soderstrom (tomshardware.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700 Gaming PC Review: Is It As Fast As It Looks?


Famed for its ThinkPads, data center-oriented servers, and dependable office PCs, Lenovo is looking to carve out a piece of the enthusiast segment with its Erazer X700 gaming system. Can this sexy-looking setup stand up against our SBM configurations?

Nov 2013

Expertenbewertung von : Brian Westover (itreviews.co.uk)

Lenovo Erazer X700


The Lenovo Erazer X700 is a fairly good entry-level gaming desktop in its own right, but unlike competing systems, it also boasts liquid cooling, simple overclocking, and plenty of opportunities to dip a toe into the murky waters of upgrading and...

Nov 2013

Expertenbewertung von (xataka.com)

Lenovo Erazer X700


Lenovo Erazer X700 es el primer intento del fabricante en los últimos años en introducirse en el mercado de los PC para jugar. Un equipo que tiene una caja realmente agresiva que posiblemente nos recuerde a algunos modelos Alienware, y es que en cierto...

Expertenbewertung von : Редакция THG (thg.ru)

Обзор игрового ПК Lenovo Erazer X700: насколько он быстр?


Компания Lenovo, знаменитая своими ноутбуками ThinkPad, серверами для ЦОДов и офисными рабочими станциями, теперь позарилась на сегмент ПК для энтузиастов, представив игровую систему Erazer X700. Сможет ли этот красавец выстоять в схватке с нашими...

Dez 2013

Preisvergleich für Lenovo ERAZER X700

No prices for this product