Yamaha DPX-1300

alaTest hat 8 Testberichte und Kundenbewertungen für Yamaha DPX-1300 zusammengefasst und analysiert. Im Durchschnitt wurde das Produkt mit 4.0/5 bewertet, verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen Bewertung von 4.2/5 für andere Produkte. Der Schwarzwert und das Design wird von vielen Testern gelobt, die Größe wird ebenfalls positiv bewertet.

Bildqualität, Bedienbarkeit, Design, Schwarzwert, Größe

Preisleistungsverhältnis, Lärm

Wir haben sowohl Nutzer- als auch Expertenbewertungen, Produktalter und weitere Faktoren ausgewertet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Produkte erzielt Yamaha DPX-1300 einen alaScore™ von 78/100 = Gut.


(Basierend auf 8 Bewertungen)



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8 Bewertung(en)

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Zeige 1 - 8 von 8 Testberichte anzeigen: aus Österreich | in anderen Sprachen

Expertenbewertung von : tech.co.uk staff (techradar.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 review


Yamaha makes another venture into the projector market

A rich suite of setup features ; Solid, unprocessed imagery

Not 1080p ; Limited maximum brightness

A projector that avoids the numbers game in favour of quality. Worth the relatively large outlay

Mär 2007

Expertenbewertung von : 3LUXE (3luxe.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300


Some people like to boast about how they have a "home theater" and then you find out they've got a 42" or 50" TV. Nice, but not exactly a theater experience. Blow them away by setting up the Yamaha DPX-1300 projection television. This "Best Of" is so...

Apr 2007

Expertenbewertung von (whathomecinemamag.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300


Skimming over the spec sheet for the Yamaha DPX-1300, you may get the impression that this DLP projector isn't anything special, but a quick look can be deceptive. Ok, so the native resolution is just 1280 x 720

Easy to set up, Vibrant, well-detailed picture

Very expensive

If you get past thinking this is an awful lot to pay for the features you get, this Yamaha won't fail to impress you

Mär 2007

Expertenbewertung von : Geoffrey Morrison (soundandvision.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 DLP Projector


720p isn't dead yet. Like any type of product, toward the end of its run, you tend to find the most advanced, best examples. Years of development culminate in the last few models in a category. Take, for example, the few high-end CRTs on the market....

Jul 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Geoffrey Morrison (hometheatermag.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 DLP Projector


Like any type of product, toward the end of its run, you tend to find the most advanced, best examples. Years of development culminate in the last few models in a category. Take, for example, the few high-end CRTs on the market. They're some of the...

So, where does that leave us? Well, to be sure, the DPX-1300 is the pinnacle of single-chip 720p DLP performance. It has nearly perfect color, an excellent black level and contrast ratio, and exceptional scaling. But is that enough? At $12,496, it is...

Jul 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Thomas J. Norton (soundandvision.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 DLP projector


"If you're familiar with the look of Yamaha's last two flagship DLP projectors, this latest version will definitely give you a case of déjà vu. But that's true of the latest projectors from most manufacturers. The world of home video projection is...

Apr 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Thomas J. Norton (hometheater.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 DLP projector


I opened my review of the Yamaha DPX-1200 with that paragraph. Now, with the introduction of the DPX-1300 ($12,495), Yamaha is on its fifth generation single-chip DLP projector, and the above words still apply.

Apr 2006

Expertenbewertung von : Thomas J. Norton (ultimateavmag.com)

Yamaha DPX-1300 DLP projector


If you're familiar with the look of Yamaha's last two flagship DLP projectors, this latest version will definitely give you a case of déjà vu. But that's true of the latest projectors from most manufacturers. The world of home video projection is...

Apr 2006

Preisvergleich für Yamaha DPX-1300

No prices for this product

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