Remington - Airplates straightener S7412

Remington - Airplates straightener S7412
alaAverage 4.5

8 Tests

Mär 2025

Wir haben 8 Verbrauchermeinungen aus internationalen Quellen analysiert. Verbraucher stufen es mit 90/100 ein. Das durchschnittliche Testberichtdatum ist der 2017-11-22. Wir haben diese Testberichte mit 370982 Testberichten über Haarpflege verglichen. Letztes Update: 2025-03-11.


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Kundenmeinung (

Inferior product


I bought this 2 days ago. My hair gets caught between the ceramic plate and the straightener's shaft where it is installed, as there is an ever so slight gap. Result: it either rips my hair from the root or breaks it. I now understand why the price was...

Mai 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Does a great job!


I recently got these to replace my broken straighteners and I'm so happy with the results. They heat up super quick and glide seamlessly through the hair and make straightening hair easy work.

Apr 2018

Kundenmeinung (

Love my Remington Air Plates


I got these for Christmas. I was going to ask for GHD's but I'm glad I didn't now these are pretty much half the price and they are really good. My hair is lovely and soft. I have had Remington straighteners in past and these are best ones I've had. I...

Dez 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Great! Worth the price.


These are perfect. They're a reasonable price & are top quality. I've gone from GHD to these & I love them!

Dez 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Great Product


Used Cloud 9 and GHDs in the past but loving the new Air Plates. Quick and easy with great results.

Nov 2017

Kundenmeinung (



I got these as a birthday gift. After being loyal to GHD's I gave these a go and can honestly say I won't be looking back! They are amazing. I have thick frizzy hair and never wear it straight but now I will! I am amazed. Work just the same as normal...

Nov 2017

Kundenmeinung (



I have GHD's, my husband bought me these air plates as a gift. I was skeptical, but they do just as good a job as my GHD's, I love the sleek modern design. Am buying for friends and family for Christmas presents.

Nov 2017

Kundenmeinung (

Fab, blows all my other straighteners out of the w


Love these straighteners, quick and easy to straighten my hair. Took me half the time, and my hair didn't feel dry and bitty. My other straighteners will be going in the bin! I'm converted!

Dez 2016

Preisvergleich für Remington - Airplates straightener S7412

No prices for this product